With your support we can keep helping

Dance Professionals Fund receives no regular funding. As such we are reliant on donations and legacy giving from people who care about the dance profession and those who dedicate their working lives to it.

If dance has been important to you at any point in your life, either watching or taking part, please consider donating to us.

Your support will help current and former dancers, dance teachers, choreographers and choreologists. We run a wide range of grant programmes and tailored support to dance professionals.

Give With Confidence

A legacy in your will ensures that future generations get help. If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy to the Fund, please contact the office for advice. 

We are a member charity of Remember A Charity. You can visit the Remember A Charity website to find out how to leave a gift to charity when making a Will.

How to leave a gift to charity in your Will.

Do you want to know more about leaving money to Dance Professionals Fund in your Will? Legacy donor Marian explains what this entails and why she’s chosen to support our fund.

“I would recommend this to all dance lovers as a practical way of showing recognition and thanks.”

Donating to us

You can donate to us via our CAF donate button. One off donations are easy to make and are very welcome. A regular standing order can also be set up using CAF donate and will provide us with support over a longer timeframe.

You can also donate directly to us through JustGiving.

Donating in memory of someone

By making an In Memoriam gift to Dance Professionals Fund, you can pay tribute to a loved one while also making a direct contribution to our work.

An In Memoriam gift is sometimes made in tribute to a loved one through a funeral collection or on the anniversary of a special occasion. If you want collections to be made for our charity in this way, normally the person arranging the service will provide details are provided on the order of service sheet of how to donate.

You are very welcome to contact us for an informal chat about how you can make an In Memoriam gift to pay tribute to someone special.

Join our mailing list to find out more about the work we do.

The DPF is committed to making sure your donation is used appropriately and handled securely.

The charity is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. The Dance Professionals Fund has made a public promise to adhere to best practice, honesty, transparency, clarity and accountability in all fundraising activity, enabling you to give with confidence.

We hope that our membership will build trust and confidence in charitable giving and, ultimately, encourage more people to provide vital support for current and former dance professionals who are in need of assistance.

If you have any comments or queries please contact us.