Sarah Mumford


Sarah Mumford

Sarah Mumford is a Movement director and choreographer based in North Wales.

Sarah came to us in 2016 for help, whilst she recovered from her cancer treatment.

Since being given the all-clear, Sarah had been claiming ESA but this stopped in February 2016 when the DWP assessed her as fit to work. However, the treatment was very intense and as a result, Sarah was in fact unable to work in a dancecapacity.

The DPF stepped in to help her temporarily contribute to household bills, and help towards her physical rehabilitation.

Sarah has been back at work for some time now, facilitating dance education and youth theatre projects, and has also returned to movement directing work.

“It is great to be creative again, but am struggling physically with energy levels, and currently thinking about a new direction, but still very much wish to continue working in dance and the arts.”

“I can't describe the overwhelming feeling of gratitude I still have, because it really made such a difference”

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