“I can't thank DPF enough, not just for the financial support, but their help with figuring out what I needed and all of their advice.”
Gwyn Emberton
Choreographer and dancer

Dancer, choreographer and teacher Gwyn Emberton, reached out to DPF in June 2016 for help with a hip injury he had been living with for a number of years.
He had been attending the NIDMS National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science clinic for two years, where he was advised to have surgery. Although beneficial, this had a huge impact on his working life, including a three-month recovery period, a phased return to performing over the following three months, and some additional treatments not available through NIDMS. Gwyn applied for a grant from the DPF, which we were able to provide.
“The difficult decision to have much needed surgery was made easier in the knowledge that I had access to the support of DPF after. I was able to develop and build a bespoke plan that guaranteed the best recovery possible, and a steady and supported return to dancing and working.”
Gwyn is the co-founder of Gwyn Emberton Dance formed in 2015 with Creative Producer Kate Perridge, and the company is currently working on ‘RAFT’ which begins touring in October 2017.
“I am back dancing and working fully. The surgeon, my rehabilitation team and I are all very happy with my recovery.”